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Is hurricane season outdated?

We have all heard about this year's upcoming Hurricane season. It is expected to be quite the active time for storms. Even early on, closer to May could be active. I ask the question, when has it not been active like this so early? For that matter, even late in the season, the past couple of years have been active. This brings me to the question, is hurricane season outdated?

Hurricane season runs from June 1st to November 30th. During this time is the "average" peak of hurricane season. However, with the recent warming temps of the ocean, is this timeframe too old to apply to us?

This is a chart of the tropical storms that form and at what time. Storms can form early on and persist much longer than November. Major Hurricanes have been noted to occur in December. Hurricanes can occur typically after mid-May and sometimes run into the following year! We have seen more and more of that recently such as 2021, 2020, 2017, and 2016. Most of these years featured storms forming as early as April!

As time goes on and oceans warm, this number of "anomalies" will continue to grow. As it grows, more people should add to the question and think, is hurricane season outdated?

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